Oral presentation at ISB

We are pleased to announce that Tim Weber will present parts of his work on the International Society of Biomechanics Conference (http://isbglasgow.com/ ) in Glasgow this year as an oral presentation. The work is entitled ”Biomechanics of computer-assisted vs. conventional THR after one year Follow-Up”. The talk will be on the 16th July in the Surgical Techniques Abstract Session at 13.00 as the 5th talk. Swing by and listen, the guys from the lab will also be there. If you want to meet up and exchange ideas, just contact us. We are looking forwards to see you in Glasgow!

LBM is AnyBody Knowledge Center!

The LBM has signed an agreement with AnyBody Technology (DK) to establish an AnyBody Knowledge Center in Regensburg. The long existing relationship between our lab and the AnyBody people will be lift to a new level with this agreement. We will work closer together in the development of novel human body models and will try to push musculoskeletal simulation  further on its way to one of game changer technologies in orthopedics and ergonomics. Thanks to our friends in Aalborg we will be provided with state-of-the-art technology for our work. Next to us only two centers are appointed worldwide with John Rasmussen’s group in Aalborg (the origin of AnyBody) and the Colorado School of Mines, CO, USA.  We are confident that our research and educational efforts will benefit from this and we are keen on doing some serious modeling.

New paper from the lab

Tim Weber who is currently on its way towards his Phd in our lab has succeeded in publishing parts of his work in the Journal of Orthopaedic Research. The paper is titeled: “The influence of minimally-invasive total hip replacement on hip reaction forces and their orientations”. Congrats Tim, great job!