Interegg Europe Project: Prevention of pelvic floor disorders

In July, the Laboratory for Biomechanics started an Interreg Europe project (BYCZ01-014), which aims to prevent pelvic floor disorders through high-tech prevention. By combining expertise in pelvic floor health, biomechanical modelling and ergonomics, this project will develop a functional prototype of a feedback system for healthy women aged 18-45. It will consist of evidence-based virtual human models in combination with non-invasive data acquisition, sensor technology and artificial intelligence-based software.

The project partners include the New Technologies - Research Centre of the University of West Bohemia, the Faculty of Design and Art Ladislav Sutnar of the Západočeská Univerzita V Plzni and the Pilsen Faculty of Medicine at Charles University in Prague.

The project's first workshop took place on 5 December at the Faculty of Design and Art Ladislav Sutnar of the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen. The research teams met with potential users of the new innovative system to determine their needs for the system:

The latest findings on the progress of the project can be followed on the following website: